The work of landscape artist Andres Amador, San Fransisco. I immediately want to convert this into a plant plan. Its almost like reptile skin. His website has lots more: www.andresamador.net
notes and thoughts on garden design, visiting old gardens and new projects and the trials of building show gardens
Time for a comment from the other half of the team! It's only two days to go till our annual family vacation and the house is still full of "Chelsea 10 stuff" including plans, sketches, spreadsheets, models to name a few. I'm sure that many designers wives/partners know the feeling of hoping that after hours and hours of frustrated pencil pushing they finally have that Eurika moment and then dread the many hours and hours that they then dedicate to "the project" as nothing else exists. It's becomes part of your life but just for a few weeks a year it's time to stop. If I catch him with a stick on a Valencian beach about to recreate these patterns don't be surprised if I don't beat him with it.